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Brief Description: The University was struggling to adopt consistently great service experiences for its user bases: students, staff, and faculty. Legacy systems and complex relationships were preventing the organization from making the significant progress they required. Feedback was random, existing surveys focused on select user segments, and responses were reactionary. Organization Development Consulting was key, and a comprehensive picture and strategy was developed.

Working collaboratively, we identified an action plan that started with defining the current state. We consolidated the results of an existing student survey, appropriate service-related questions from a previous faculty survey, stakeholder interviews, and documentation of user journey maps. Finally, we fielded a staff survey designed to assess the well-being culture of the organization. The online survey tool we used clearly outlined results and included personal resources, organizational system, functioning at work, and finally the experience of work.

For more on my approach to coaching, take a look at my website and other blog posts about Life Coaching and Organization Development.